of tables
From the result
for the month of May 2012 respondents Clearly rate mainly in excellent and very
good ratings. In terms of food and meal they rate the meal excellent for
delicious, presentable and nutritious and very good for sufficient. In terms of
their accommodation they rate also an excellent rating in terms if rooms and buddings
however the rate the bathroom as VERY Good slightly lower than the others which
have the total perception in terms of accommodation as Very Good. Facilities
Staff and Lay Person and Ambiance they also answer generally with weighted mean
of Excellent. In general the overall perception of visitor for the house
service having a mean of 4.32 or excellent. As for the ranking of Ambiance rank
first with a mean weight of 4.47, followed by facilities with mean weight of
4.35, food and meal and accommodation rank 3 and 4 and Staff and Lay personnel
rank last.
For the month of
June the weighted mean of in terms of food are generally Very Good. While other
categories such as the Accommodation, Facilities Staff and ambiance have a total
rate of excellent. This implicate that visitors for house service rate Food and
meal slightly low than the other category which rank as the lowest for the
month within a mean of 4.18 , and Ambiance of the house was rank as first with
a rated mean of 4.60 which is the highest than the other category.
The month of
July have an excellent rating in general, the Food and .meal all have excellent
mean. Accommodations also have an excellent rating for each category except for
the cleanliness of the bath and cr with have a very good rating. And other
categories all are excellent descriptive interpretation which means all the
mean of each category including the total is above 4.3. In terms of rating
Ambiance rank first with 4.69 mean averages, followed by staff and lay personnel
with 4.62 mean 3rd for food and meal and Accommodation and
Facilities rank 4 and 5. Ambiance ranked as number 1 which conclude that
visitor solidly precept it as more excellent than the other category.
The month of
September 2012 have similar rating as to the month of June since all of the
categories except for Food and meals evaluate the categories as excellent.
However even though Food and meal is ranked number 5 lowest from the other
category the mean of 4.24 also suggest that the mean is closer than 4.3 near
excellent rating. From the table suggest that Ambiance still ranked 1 with 4.70
mean, followed by the service of Staff and Lay personnel with 4.69 mean and Accommodation
and Facilities tied 3rd and 4th with a total mean of 4.57 and last
is Food and meal with the lowest mean 4.24.
The month of
October may have a very appreciative visitor since almost all the categories
answered all categories in general as excellent except for the dryness of the
Bath and CR. In terms of rating they ranked the Ambiance as 1, ranked 2 for the
Facilities, ranked 3 for Staff and Lay personnel, 4th ranked for
Food and Meals and the Accommodation as ranked 5.
November 2012
A November mean
and weighted value also gives a highly appreciative evaluation from very good
to excellent rate. From the evaluation there are only 3 categories which have
Very Good mean ranked and they are as follows the cleanliness and dryness of
the Bathroom and Comfort room and the clearness of the sound system. And all
other categories are evaluated as excellent. In their ranking other they ranked
The Friendliness and Courtesy of the Staff and Lay Personnel as ranked 1 ,
followed by the Ambiance ranked 2 , ranked the for the Food and Meal , 4th
the facilities and the last 5th ranked was the evaluation for Accommodation.
December 2012
From the table
in the month of December the staff and personnel may have arrange the
Facilities and all areas of the house service perfectly since the visitors or
the individuals who accommodate the house evaluate the house generally as
excellent from the Food and Meal to the Ambiance of the House. This means that
their weighted means are above 4.3 statistical limits. In terms of ranking the
Categories the Ambiance again ranked as number 1 followed by the Facilities,
and Accommodation Ranked 5. The different
in ranking are based from the individual assessment for each category. Since
some individuals answered the categories defiantly aside from excellent which
could lessen; the mean value. So we can conclude that most visitors’ appreciate
the ambiance of the house, Than the Accommodation since the mean is
higher than the other. However the difference between the highest ranked and
the lowest is not significantly huge since the qualitative description is still
January 2013
The same results
are also obtained during the evaluation for the month of January 2013. They all
answered the evaluation in general as excellent. Again the ambiance of the
house ranked 1st followed by the Facilities and Food/Meals and Staff
and Lay Personals ranked 3 and 4 and Accommodation have the last ranked since
individually some evaluators answered the paper otherwise.
February 2013
During the month
of February also give a high rating since almost all the evaluator answers the questionnaire
as excellent and some answered otherwise. However in term of the nutrition for
food and meals evaluators mostly answered the evaluation sheet as very good this affected the overall
ranking to ranked number 5. More evaluator or most evaluator answered the questionnaire
as excellent in terms of abidance to gain the 1st ranked with a mean
of 4.69 followed by Staff and Lay Personnel’s with 4.59 weighted mean.
March 2013
Same with other
months march also have a highly favorable evaluation. Since the total number of
respondents mostly answered the evaluation sheet more favorably either
excellent or Very Good.
April 2013
April 2013 also
had a highly favorable evaluation since all the categories from food to the
ambiance have an excellent rating since the mean value is more than 4.3
statistical limits for excellence. The difference among the categories are the
rankings , Ambiance of the House Service is highly appreciated more with rank
number 1 followed by the Service of personnel and Staff , 3rd and 4th ranked are tied with a
mean value of 4.53 each and the least rank or the 5th rank goes to
Food and Meals.
Evaluation for
the House Service for the Months of May 2012 to April 2013
As for the
months of May 2012 to April 2013 gives the summary to the 11 months
evaluation. Since the Data are the cumulative
sum of each month, in which would eventually change the weighted mean, and
Qualitative interpretation? From the
table it is noteworthy to see that all of the qualitative interpretation belongs to
Very Good Evaluation from the statistical limit of 3.5 to 4.2. Thus the ranking
of each category are needed to determine who ranks the fist in terms of their
service. Rank No. 1 goes to Ambiance of the house with a mean total of 3.74, in
which the evaluators say in general that the house is peaceful and quiet with a
mean value of 3.74 and the house is conductive to prayer and Contemplation with a
mean of 3.73. The 2nd in ranked are tied with the Food/meal in the
house and its facilities with a mean weight of 3.66. Followed by the Staff and
lay personnel with has a mean weight of 3.63 which also have a Very Good
average evaluation from 5402 respondents with 19621 weighted value? The last in
ranked is from the Accommodation of the visitors in the house with a 3.58
weighted mean. Thus we could conclude
the best service that the house could give is the Ambiance of the house followed
by the Food and its Facilities and the Accommodated had the least rank. However
even though The accommodation have the
least rank the evaluation of the visitors are not far off since the mean value
are closed enough to say that there is a statically difference from rank to
rank 5.
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