Tuesday, February 19, 2013



Are we leaving in paradise right now, or the paradise is still to come in the near future. I am referring to the scriptures recorded at Luke 23:43. The scripture reads “and Jesus said to him, TODAY, you would be with me in Paradise”. (Luke 23:43) In verse 42 the robber told Jesus to remember him when he goes to his kingdom of which Jesus answered him in verse 43. How would you understand the text is there a spirit realm that people would be in paradise at once? For better emphasis let take the account at Daniel 7:14 “ To him (Jesus) there were given ruler ship and dignity and kingdom, that the peoples, national groups and languages should all serve even him. His ruler ship is an indefinitely ruler ship that will not pass away, and his kingdom one that will not be brought to ruin.” The scriptures foretold that when rulership and dignity and KINGDOM WOULD BE GIVEN TO Jesus, all people should also serve him. Therefore those subjects of the kingdom would be here on earth. By what the evildoers said to Jesus he was evidently expressing the hope that Jesus would remember him when that time comes. How then would Jesus be with the evil doers? The bible book of John 5:28 and 29 give well meaning to the hope of a resurrection as the bible scriptures reads” Do not marvel at this; for the hour is coming in which all who are in the graves will hear His voice. And come out, those who did good things to a resurrection of life, those who practice vile things, to a resurrection of judgement.” Jesus will raise the evildoers from the dead, make provision for his physical needs and extend to him the opportunity to learn and conform to God’s requirements for eternal life. Jesus saw in the evildoer’s repentant and respectful attitude a basis for including him among the billions of people who will be resurrected to earthly life and the opportunity to prove their worthiness to live forever in paradise.
Certainly paradise will be in the near future and we need to strive to be part of that restoration of paradise. As of now we need to but in mind that paradise is real to us that someday we will be with Jesus in His government that would not be brought to ruin.


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